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Virtual Learning at ECHS

Classes begin Wednesday, August 26

All classes will be virtual until September 28.  School information will be updated as it becomes available.

Getting Started

I need help with...

  • Log into INFINITE CAMPUS and review your schedule

  • Log into your SCHOOL EMAIL

  • Accept invitations from your teachers to your classes for Google Classroom

  • Also accept invitation to your Google Classroom for your graduating class

  • IF you do not receive an invitation for all of your classes, email the teacher for the missing class (teacher contacts listed at the bottom of this webpage)

  • All work will be completed through Google Classroom for each of your classes

  • There is a Google Classroom App available for download, or it is easily accessible at


  • Teachers will upload assignments by 4 pm Friday for the following week

  • Students may work on their weekly assignments at their own pace but will be responsible for due dates 

  • Students without Internet Service will be expected to connect to a Hot Spot (any Carter County School parking lot) and submit weekly assignments at the end of each week (by midnight Sunday)

links to teacher contact information

Click on the department heading to access contact information for the teachers below.

Practical Living/

Career Studies

April Blevins

Danielle Boggs

Kim Erwin

Luther Jarvis

Jessie Marshall

Wendy Potter

Vicky Barker

Samantha Flaugher

Connor Robinson

Belicia Sexton

Debbie Spillman

Jeff Whitson

Aaron Eldridge

Daniel Geyer

Amanda McCall

Tyler Walker

Corey Jones

Brandon Marksberry

John Ramey

Jeremiah Shearer

Chandra Harper

Lynn May

Lisa McNeal

Breianna Shaffer

Jaime Tiller

Heather Berry

Logan Skidmore

Ben Hawkins

Tera Baldwin

Brandon Baker

Kenny Brammell

Dan Brown

Matt Francis

Stephanie Hensley

Quinn Huddle

Jill Jackson

Eric Jude

Aundra Shearer

Shawn Bocook

Veronica Flannery

Dylan McDavid


East Carter High School

405 Hitchins Road

Grayson, KY 41143

Tel: 606-474-6696

Fax: 606-475-9200

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